Monday, December 21, 2020

On Carpe Diem

 Never been able to put up with “YOLO” philosophy (if we can call it that way). It’s selfish in nature, caring only for your own pleasure. Yes, they are right when they say you only live once, but why make it all about yourself?  Why to make it on how much pleasure you can give yourself. I’m not saying giving you unfathomable pain is the way to go. Why not rise above oneself? Why not caring about others? Existentialism and atheism go hand in hand. Since there is no heaven and hell, then how cares what you do on this life? Nobody is watching you, then you are free to do things otherwise you would not do. Existentialism puts aside moral barriers to achieve self-pleasure. Not different from those little mice pulling a lever.

Why caring about other is better? Well, as humans our brain has some other capabilities other than receiving pleasure, we can imagine, we can design, we can change our world for good or bad. It is a little more complex, and not as pleasurable, to change the world. Yes you give pleasure yourself at the end by contemplating something you didn’t think was possible. But now your existence is good for you and for others.

Guys partying till they hurt themselves or hurt others, what for? Even worse committing crimes in order to give themselves scattered moments of pleasureThe anticipation is worth more than the reward. | by Oscar de la Hera |  delasign | Medium572 × 431e.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Külmunud hingi vaid saadab
Kuuvalgus, varje neist loob
Päikesekiirena sooja
Hommik taas endaga toob
Maybe it's just a kind of distortion of perception. But at this moment it doesn't seem that long term goal matter for humanity any more. Is it me how judging harshly humanity. Just a cycle of the rising and fall of empires. Materialism was right about replacement of the old by the new. Ticking box people walking to reach their next milestone someone else checked before them, even unwillingly. Rising and falling is just another way of ticking the box.What about the eternal?
A couple of days ago, I was watching on TV, yeah, the rare occasions I watch TV, our lady of Guadalupe celebration. You can blame the catholic church for all kinds of misbehaving but there's an incredible aura of the eternal on it. Is this the reason it has endured all these millennia? 

Certainly I not thinking of going around box ticking, I heard one famous lets say "entrepreneur" ( I can't say who it was) that the secret of his success was not doing what everyone else was doing, but innovation. Innovation in a way no one else had thought before. That's how you leave a mark. Medicine is an incredible boring and lack of imagination field of the human knowledge. You get punish for acting out of the last consensus of certain disease, rules of hospital, you name it. Your imagination gets nipped in the bud very early.

Sometimes I feel I killed the last of my creativity by studding medicine. That´s why I'm writing right now to awake, what I hope is stills there. However I deeply respect many physicians I have met over the years I can't imagine myself being one. So why I'm doing here?. Nothing just another sunk cost fallacy and working on it.

Not many Nobel Prizes for physicians during last decades, why so? Vinod Khosla may be right, someday machines will do a better job than humans, if we create proper algorithms. Just like old jobs during industrial revolution. The Deep Blue of medicine is coming, I know it will beat us all, so would like to move where it can't beat me, even if a few generations have past. Maybe this Deep Blue will not come  in this generation, neither next one. Anyway I prefer not to stay here. It's hard to give back the golden axe, I agree with Gonzalo Lira, just mature people can do that and avoid falling on the Concorde fallacy.

So was this for nothing? I hope not. But let's see

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Faith is what drives science, faith in your hypothesis and not other. Faith to put it to the scientific method with the belief it's not ...